Twisted mind


A quiet world
My movies
My Cam
A quiet world

Bababouille ! Bababouille !

Hell-o, my name is Sebast.  I'm nodody in particulary. I past most of my time by saying stupid and sick stuff...I love to sing and play with myself.  You wish you perv. haha I mean with my guitar.  I'm about to have 21 and its seem like time as stop for me a long time ago.  Things never change...

Je suis francophone et fier de l'être même si mon français écrit laisse souvent à désirer.  Je vie dans le plus beau "pays" du monde je crois : le Québec.


My photo

That's me alright

I have nothing else to say....


My favorite movies:
American psycho, chasing amy, magnolia, spun, le petit ciel, Québec-Montréal, Adaptation, confession of a dangerous mind...and a lot more...

My favorite bands :
AFI, strung out, death cab for cutie, Phantom planet, hothotheat, HIM, Muse, marilyn manson, Queen !, Aerosmith, abandoned pools, radiohead, Dir en grey ! Against the sky, Silent hill 1-2-3 soundtrack, no motiv, no use for a name, and a lot more...